學生資料 Student's Particulars*必須填寫
如有任何食物敏感或健康狀況須要注意請列明 List any health conditions or special diet needs about your child we should be aware of (eg. severe allergies, required medications)
家長/監護人資料 Parent/Guardian's Particulars
緊急聯絡人 Emergency Contact
聯絡人 Contact Person (1)
聯絡人 Contact Person (2)
繳費方法 Payment Method

學費可以現、支票或銀行轉賬形式。支票抬頭請寫「木棉花水墨畫室」或"Cotton Tree Art Studio"。如選用轉賬形式,請轉賬至匯豐銀行:戶口號碼 1234567890,之後請將銀行收據傳真 1234 5678 或電郵 info@cottontreeink.com.hk已作本中心記錄。

We accept payment in cash, cheque or bank transfer. Cheque should be payable to "Cotton Tree Ink Art Studio". For bank transfer, please transfer to our "Hong Kong Bank" account 1234567890. After transaction please send back to us either by fax at 1234 5678 or via email at info@cottontreeink.com.hk for our record.
